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Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics located in Wilmington, DE


Facelift services offered in Wilmington, DE

If you’re bothered by sagging, wrinkled skin due to aging or other reasons, see Ian Lonergan, MD, and the team at Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of Delaware in Wilmington, Delaware. They offer surgical facelifts to tighten lax skin and make you look many years younger. Call the office to learn more about facelifts or schedule an appointment online today.

What is a facelift?

A facelift, also called a rhytidectomy, is a procedure that reduces visible signs of aging in your face or neck. During the procedure, Dr. Lonergan makes an incision, pulls affected tissues tighter, and closes the incisions afterward. He has many years of experience completing facelifts and uses the latest advances in technologies and procedures to perfect your results.

What are the benefits of facelifts?

Facelifts available at Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of Delaware offer the following anti-aging benefits:

  • Reduced lines and wrinkles
  • Tighter, smoother skin
  • Younger appearance
  • Fewer folds in your nose and mouth
  • Reduced excess skin and fat
  • Self-confidence

A facelift can revitalize aging skin, giving you the youthful look and healthy glow you deserve. Dr. Lonergan may complete eyelid surgery or a brow lift in addition to a facelift, all during the same procedure. He may recommend fat transfers or dermal fillers to replace lost volume.

How can I prepare for a facelift?

Follow Dr. Lonergan’s instructions to prepare for a facelift. You’ll need to arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery and stay with you. You may need to stop taking certain medications or dietary supplements, stop smoking, undergo lab testing, and avoid food and drink the morning of surgery.

What happens during a facelift?

Before a facelift, you receive anesthesia to numb the area and make you feel relaxed or fall asleep. Dr. Lonergan makes an incision, often near your hairline. He removes, alters, and tightens tissues before closing the incisions, bandaging your face, and taking you to a recovery area.

What should I expect during my recovery?

After the procedure, you can expect some bruising, tenderness, and swelling. Have someone drive you home and help you during your recovery. Take medications as directed, keep the incision sites clean, get plenty of rest, and avoid vigorous activity until given the OK. 

See Dr. Lonergan for follow-up visits to ensure you’re healing properly, and call the office if you have any questions. Complete healing may take 2-3 months.

To learn more about a facelift at Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of Delaware and find out if it’s right for you, schedule an evaluation by phone or request one online today.